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EGW Capital To Begin Online Staking

EGW Capital one of the largest blockchain investment banks will start its staking program from early next week. The staking program will allow the investors to directly invest in EGW coins and earn a fixed interest over it. The interest rates are kept highly attractive and the program offers a complete downside protection. This means if the price of the EGW coin falls in value, the investor will still receive their principal and interest back. In case, the price of the EGW coin moves up, the investor will receive an upside too over and above interest and the invested principal.

“The downside protection in EGW Capital’s staking program makes this staking program highly attractive. When you stake there is a considerable risk of losing principal value but here, in this case, the principal value will remain protected and the interest rates are kept highly attractive,” said Kiran Sunder, a research analyst with ZebPay.

EGW Capital will launch a fixed-term staking program, this means an investor will be in a contractual obligation to stay locked in the program for his selected time period. There will be no entry or exit load and will have a zero management fee. Staking will be available for investors around the world. The staking program will be done in two phases where the first phase will target investors in Hong Kong, Singapore and Middle East.

The company plans to raise US $2.5 million in Phase I and US $15 million in Phase II. The Phase I is majorly a trial run. In Phase II, the investors from around the world will be targeted.

“Staking should be the definite choice for the people who are looking towards earning a stable fixed income in these difficult times. Crypto markets may witness profit booking soon and such staking programs add considerable value to the investor’s portfolio,” said Prof. Judge Hettinger of Stanford University.

Details of Staking Program

Staking Program Type Minimum Lock-In Period Annual Interest Rate (Payable in EGW coins) Minimum Investment
EGW Gold 9 Months 17.25% US $500
EGW Platina 11 Months 23.16% US $1,000


Businesses of EGW Capital

  • Exchange Listings which includes both traditional finance and blockchain listings.
  • Market Making 
  • Crypto Mining
  • Private Placements

EGW Capital operates in highly profitable businesses.The exchange listings business operates on a margin of over 70-90%. Under this, a client pays a certain amount of equity to EGW Capital in lieu of taking his company public. The market making on the other hand also operates at over 100% profit margin followed by crypto mining which has margin of over 120%.

The utility of EGW coins will be that the clients and investors will use EGW coins for payment and investments. All the companies which EGW Capital will take public in the future on the crypto exchanges will compulsorily trade in pair with EGW coins thus automatically boosting the liquidity.

How Can EGW Capital Pay Such High Interest?

Taking into consideration, the highly profitable businesses of EGW Capital, the interest being paid can be regarded as nominal.

Retail Listing of EGW Coins

EGW Capital is proposing retail listing in the first quarter of 2021. EGW coins will launch several trading competitions in the coming months with big rewards to grab on.

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